
Unseasonably Cool

Normally this time of year is oppressively hot. It tends to stop raining around the end of June and by August the grass is a golden brown and the ground cracks.

By now there should be heat advisories with 114 during the day and 97 at night. You should be able to bake cookies on the dash of your car. Eggs on the sidewalk. That kind of thing.

You should get burns from the steering wheel and seats of your car. Ice cream should melt before you get hone from the grocery store. The pool water should be warm.

But for some hilarious El Nino/La Nina goofiness we have 87-97 degree days. The shade is actually bearable. You can be outside for more than 5 minutes without breaking a sweat.

It has been raining at least once a week since May. My grass is going gangbusters. Every lawn service in town is making bank. It's a fluke, but a welcome one given how hot and dry last year was.