
Right now yesterday

Everything is so fleeting. Everything needs to be done instantly.

Movies and shows are popular for a week, then vanish until the next season. Music is popular for a week, then the artist is never heard from again. A new social media platform releases one year then tanks the next.

I know that's the way of modern information and such but things take time to create. And time is extremely expensive. A new game comes out in the fall for 70 bucks and is 20 by the spring sale on steam. Things have value for a few hours before being consumed and discarded forever.

Fomo kicks in for almost anything now. Be early to the next best thing. Join now or be left behind. Come out with new content every day or get dropped. Push a new release every week or else. Fix every bug by 4:30pm. Film and upload every minute of the day.

Just thinking about that is exhausting.