
Good Pizza

What makes good pizza? Well, many things go into that. The components of which are weighted differently.

For example, the crust is the most important part, hands down. Claggy bready crust will make you feel like you're eating a lunchable. Too thick and you get full too fast or the dough doesn't get done in the middle. Too thin and it flops.

The next most important part is probably the sauce. A sweet sauce will ruin your whole pizza night. Too wet and the dough gets soggy. Too much sauce and it just runs everywhere or the cheese slides off.

The cheese, is honestly hard to screw up. You would have to use pre shredded dollar store cheese that stays in the shape of the shreds instead of melting. Or worse, use cheddar.

So given this, a really good pizza would come from some pizzeria with a dedicated oven, house made dough, real sauce, and fresh cheese. We've been to these places, they are great. Expensive, but great.

They operate inside the smallest storefront they can afford, with maybe MAYBE one or two tables to stand and eat a slice at. But for the most part it's pickup/delivery only.

But there is also a genre of good pizza that isn't the top tier 8.1+ ranked style stuff. There is the "cheap and good pizza".

The Costco pizza. The mom and pop bowling alley pizza. The Sbarro pizza. The by-the-slice only places next to the dive bars downtown. The kind of pizza that the girl from My Year of Rest and Relaxation would have with her bodega coffee.

(Similarly there is good "bad" coffee you get from styrofoam cups made from a 30 year old Bunn machine in the waiting room of a brake & tire shop.)

I think we like this kind of cheap/good pizza because we grew up with it as kids. Our parents either couldn't or wouldn't buy us pizza that didn't offer 30 minute delivery or free personal pans if we read a dozen books. We grew up with pizza being a certain texture and cheese ratio per square inch. School lunch pizza with it's oddly transparent cheese was a luxury. Sitting down at Pizza Hut was a special treat.

Whatever the reason, sometimes a decent crust with canned sauce and bagged "pizza cheese" still out performs the 4 day cold rise buffalo mozzarella San Marzano sauced coal fired pie.