
First Post

This isn't the first or last time I've started a blog, and it won't be my last. I've made a bearblog before, back in 2020. I really liked the simplicity of it. Since then I've gone to to substack to wordpress (again) and then substack (again). For now I think I'll just use this little guy as an empty thoughts journal.

I'm honestly surprised nobody has used gummy bear blog as a name yet.

I've been listening to a music content dude for a while. His name is Derrick Gee, a DJ from Australia who does a music podcast and weekly radio playlist stream. Luckily you can listen to just the audio part so it feels more like a curated NPR music program instead of a podcast. It's good if you want to be shown around the modern music world and listen to stuff you might never have heard of otherwise.

The goal of this blog is to write down things that I find interesting or make me happy. I used to blog to vent and complain and now every social media post is just venting and complaining so I figured I needed to pull something positive out of the air for once.

Stick around.